(Day calculated for central Mexico at 12 noon SUMMARY, It does not replace the personalized study)
DAY Macuilli - five

Ocelotl (Jaguar) is very cautious and a hunter by nature with dark black stripped tawny fur.


The Lady who engenders and gives love

MONTH OR PARTY Etzalcualiztli

in the month of Abundance and Harvest

The calendar Sacred of the Aztecs

The day is:
Lord of the day Tlazohteotl

The Lady who engenders and gives love

LORD OF THE NIGHT Chalchiuhtlicue

The Lady of Jade Skirt

Thirteen Itzcuintli - Dog
Choose another date

Tecpatl - Flint
Matlactli uan Ome - twelve
the day starts at 18:45:00 Correlation: Teacher Arturo Meza Gutiérrez
Day: It is a propitious day for good strategies and for achieving aims. // It is ideal to contact your beloved ones. Lots of Love.
Lord of the Day It provides you with shrewdness and intelligence to take care of your beloved ones.
Numeral of the Day This is a good day to change the appearance of things.
Lord of the Night: A lot of willpower. It grants constancy.